Thursday, February 9, 2017

What is abundant life?

Those of us that live in The United States are blessed beyond measure. We can go to McDonalds and buy a meal from the Value Menu for less than $5 and consume more calories in a single meal than many families in other parts of the world have in a day... or in some extreme cases, a single week.

Most families have televisions that are 65" or larger and more channels available than is feasible. If you want to "cut the cord" there is no shortage of streaming options.

Radio, internet radio, satellite radio.

Is this abundant life? Is it measured by the size of your house, the amount of credit that you're allowed to have, the money in your bank account, the vacations that you take?

Biblically, I think it's pretty much the opposite. Abundant life isn't based on things at all.

Jesus casually mentions abundant life while talking about His mission. In typical fashion he's talking about being a shepherd. How His sheep hear His voice. In John 10:10 He says:

The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that you may have life more abundantly. (ESV)

If you read further, Jesus explains exactly what abundant life is!

  • abundant life is that He knows you (I know my own, and my own know me - John 10:14)
  • I lay down my life for my sheep (This is the essence of the Good News - John 10:15)
  • I have sheep that are not of this fold (Salvation is not limited to the "chosen ones, but is available to anyone who He claims as His own! - John 10:16)
  • I have the authority to lay down my life and take it up again! (This is the completion of the Gospel... John 10:17)
Abundant life begins with recognizing that we belong to the only one who has overcome sin, death, the grave and as a result has the ability to lead His flock... His people into the Kingdom of heaven! More importantly, this Kingdom life that we live... we can live now!

Let us put Christianity in action and realize the gift of God that we have in abundant life. Let us boldly follow the  our good shepherd!