Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Who is in your circle of influence?

As Christians, we tend to think that our Christian duty is to go to church on Sunday, volunteer, and give money. Christianity is far more than that.

In Mark 2:16, the religious leaders of the day ask the following question: "Why does He (Jesus) eat with tax collectors and sinners?" That may be the wrong question... the question should be:

Why would sinners eat with Jesus?
The one thing that we know about Jesus was that He was very truthful. If you were a sinner, He would tell you to stop. If there was an area that you struggled with, He addressed it head on, like He did with the rich young ruler.

So, why would sinners flock to Jesus? If we take an honest look at today's society, most people that the church views as sinners aren't given the opportunity to talk to Christians because most Christians avoid them.

Maybe it's time that we start living our life like Jesus did and spend some time with those that don't know who He is. Let's build relationships where we can sow the Word of God into their lives rather than spending 5 minutes sharing something then leaving to never see them again.

Jesus said that he came for the sick because those who are well don't need a physician. Let us struggle to open our eyes to those who are lost and struggling so we can share with them the hope that we have in Christ.

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