Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth is a reminder to all of us that even if we don't hear from God on a daily basis, or understand what God is doing - God still has a vision and a plan for how our lives should be lived and even the impact that we can make in ways that we don't truly understand or see.

Although you never read about God instructing people to do things, like He did with Moses, Joshua, Caleb, and the Judges... you see people acting on faith based upon the laws that God set forth.

God allows for provisions of the poor and the widows by allowing them to glean the fields (Deut 24:19)

God also made a provision for the "kinsman redeemer" - where a relative could preserve the inheritance of a deceased family member - which results in Ruth being related to King David who establishes the King lineage that Jesus fulfills.

The important thing in this is that regardless of whether or not God speaks to you - we have His words and His promises, which He will always hold true. Let us struggle to be like Ruth, and not understand the benefit of the promises that God has made as well as struggle to follow God's plan... even if we don't hear Him speaking directly to us. God honors the plan that He has established, and it still hasn't changed today.

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