Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Don't move until you see it...

To be very transparent for a moment, this has been a very tough month for me. I was interviewing for my dream job that would have almost secured my future. I would not have had to worry about retirement, where I was going to be 10 or 15 years from now... this job was secure. I was their number 1 candidate and a virtual shoe in until they hired 1 person to fill 3 different positions.

I was sad and disappointed but still held on to my faith. If God could bring something like this into my path, he can definitely bring something even better! But it did reveal a few things about my relationship with God that I need to work on. So, in the regard, I understand.

The security and stability in my relationship with God is far greater than any job.

So, as I was reflecting on this, my mind drifted back to when I was younger and use to play chess. One of the guys that I would play would say "Don't move until you see it." There are so many choices in the game of chess, and sometimes there's this really great series of moves that could shift the tide of the game. One wrong move and a good position could turn into a terrible one.

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (Psalm 27:13-14, ESV) 
In all honesty, sometimes it's easier to say these words to someone else than it is to live them out yourself. Let us struggle to wait on God and to not move until we see His hand and His provision. The question is... what do we do while we're waiting? Let's explore that tomorrow...

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