Friday, March 1, 2013

You can try to blend in, but is that really who you are?

I had this friend in college, let's call him Scott for the sake of this illustration. Scott grew up in a small town with parents that had conservative Christian values. Everything about the way he looked, dressed, and acted said - "I am different."

Once he had the "freedom" of being in college - he grew out his hair, stopped tucking in his shirt. Started, smoking, drinking and cursing. Pretty soon, his life became a big escape and a desire to prove how much he was like everyone else.

The guys on campus bought him a plastic mug so he would't break it when he fell down, and they would literally carry his drunken body from party to party.

At the end of the first semester he was failing all of his classes and was on academic probation.

Scott, forgot who he was and tried to blend in.

Not only did you walk in their ways and do according to their abominations; within very little time you were more corrupt than they in all your ways. Ezekiel 16:47
The problem with trying to blend in, and be something that you are not is that the decision to rebel against the     request made by God for us to be holy because He is holy is cast aside. The opposite of holiness is unholiness... or wickedness, and that cannot be controlled.

This weekend, let us struggle to not compromise. We are to look like Christ, not the world.

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