Thursday, March 22, 2012

Free Climbing

The person in the picture is doing something called "Free Climbing." Free climbing is when you decide to climb a rock or a structure without the use of tools and ropes. It's basically you... and the rock. When you free climb you have to be certain of every step of every rock that your grab hold to. You must be sure and you must be deliberate.

In some areas in my life I feel like I'm free climbing. Most notably in my struggle with keeping a normal weight. There are times when I'm very disciplined in what I put in my body and my work out, and the pounds fall off. Then there are times where I am not as careful and it comes back on. It's frustrating!

Christianity is really the same way as Free Climbing, and for me the battle to be at a healthy weight.

The Apostle Paul recognized this and wrote an entire letter to a young minister named Timothy. In 1 Tim 4, Paul warns Timothy by saying that people will turn away from true faith, they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. He warns that these people are hypocrites and liars with a dead conscience. [1 Time 4:1-2]

He is basically warning Timothy that if he doesn't pay attention - you can find yourself in a dangerous position, and not realize how you got there!

Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. [1 Tim 4:15-16 NLT]
Your thing may not be food... but guaranteed...  you have "a thing" that keeps getting in your way. It's that thing that slips up on your when you're not paying attention. In Hebrews 12:1, Paul calls it "the sin that so easily trips us up."

We can't think that we are immune to this - that it won't happen to us. We see people getting comfortable and not paying attention to God's word on a regular basis... and we see the consequences.

Let's try to stay present in our Christian struggle today, and not get sidetracked.

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