Friday, March 9, 2012

Living on crumbs

Have you ever tasted something that was so good that you ate the crumbs? I had an aunt that could make a cake that was so good that you would lick the plate. Seriously. I've done that before. I admit it. But... as good as the cake is, I would much rather have a piece of cake than some residual crumbs.

God has placed in front of us His Holy Words as contained in the Bible. And He has invited us to look into His words, not for the sake of knowledge, but to get to know Him. Too many times we wait for someone else to do the work of studying, then give us what we need. To me, that's like living off someone else's crumbs.

If I told you that I had a friend named George, and that he was a financial wizard, and if you gave 5% of your income to him he would double your return, you would be interested... but you would want to meet him first right? You would not trust your inheritance to him just based on my word.

You would ask for documentation, you would read about his results, you would read everything you could get your hands on before you trusted your money to him.

But, that's the way that we treat Christianity. We trust others to tell us about what God is going to do for us without ever investing our time to read it for ourselves to see if it is true!

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him. Psalms 34:8
How can you trust in something that you don't know.

Even Jesus said:

"It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Mathew 4:4
Jesus was quoting a scripture from Deuteronomy 8. During this time, God's chosen people were wandering aimlessly in the wilderness. God provided something for them to eat called manna. God provided provision for their natural bodies and informs them that it takes more than food for man to truly live.

So, my question is... are you living on crumbs? I encourage you to read your Bible. Not just to find little nuggets of truth, but a treasure trove that will draw you close to the true and living God!

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