Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A silent act of praise

I was reading in the The Psalms today looking for examples of how to praise God. There are so many instances where David instructs the people to give praise to God. But, when you read deeper, you'll see that in many of those situations, it was as a result of asking for deliverance from an enemy or the hand of another man.

There was always this sense of urgency because David, the warrior king knew the dangers and perils that surrounded him and was aware that God was his deliverer. As a result, he always kept in mind that God was the one that kept him and he had a reliance upon him.

Today, we don't really have any enemies. I mean, there's the threat of terrorism, but that isn't directly pointed at us in a personal way.

Most of us have fairly comfortable lives. We may stress about the economy, or our family... but for the most part we live in peace.

So when do we praise God?

  • in church on Sunday?
  • if we hear a praise song that we like?
When was the last time you just sat there and thought about what God has done for you and why you love Him?

So... today, step away from the computer for a moment... grab a pen and a piece of paper. Write out your own Psalm to the Lord. Don't try to use Bible phrases... just write it out. When you're done, post it in the comments section so others can be encouraged as well.

Here's mine:

I love you because you love me
and you're faithful when I am not.
You call to me like a mother calls to her newborn child
so I will always recognize your voice.

You give me what I need to grow
and the medicine of your word, even though I may not
like the taste, I know will heal me spirit
and make me whole.

Like a teenage child, I mutter and complain
and think I can do things on my own
but I know you love and guide me and
provide more than just a home.

I think about you and smile, God.
This morning I praise your worth.
I want to love you more and more
than anything on this earth.

Teach me your Word

1 comment:

  1. I praise you Lord because you love unconditionally.Even with my flaws you still smile upon me.
