Thursday, October 13, 2011

Battling being complacent

"God 'is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us' (Ephesians 3:20). Have you seen Him do things in and through your life that absolutely amaze you in their magnitude? If you haven't, why is that? After all, the Bible says God wants you to experience this.
Again, the impediment is not God. The problem lies with us. We've become too easily satisfied with spiritual mediocrity. Some of us have become so used to a powerless life that we've come to think of it as normal for the Christian. It is not. God has more for us to experience and to do than we could imagine. We limit God's activity by our choices." - Unlimiting God by Richard Blackaby

When I read this this morning, it hit me like a ton of bricks. After being at work all day, all I feel like doing is relaxing and watching a little tv. (In reality, the tv is watching me...) If I were to be completely honest, my stomach is beginning to look a little like the guys in today's picture. Great.

Nothing is going to change unless I do something about it. I know that it is possible to lose weight, at one point, due to the discipline of diet and exercise I lost 60 pounds... but it didn't just happen. I had to do something... and it was at least 6 weeks before the scale moved... but I kept going.

Sometimes that's how it is with our faith. We get that urge that we need to follow God more closely. We start... and nothing happens immediately. We get discouraged and go back to a life of mediocrity where our flesh (sinful nature) grows more and we become spiritual side becomes weak.

One of the promises that I made to myself was that I would be in good enough shape to run around and play with my sons (who are now 16 and 19). I now have an 8 year old step-son that, if I am going to keep that goal, I'm going to have to start now.

One of the promises that I made to God when I became a Christian was that I was going to be His witness and share His Words with people that didn't know what God has done for man and to help people that know who He is to grow and be strong.

Neither of these will work if I limit the outcome by not participating in the activities that I need to in order to become more fit and able. That's why it's important to find like minded people to surround yourself with. It's important to work out (exercise spiritually, by not just reading what the Bible says, but doing it.) If you don't make yourself available... then we are limiting God's activity by our choices!

2 Timothy 2:1-10
New Living Translation (NLT)
   Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. 2 You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.
 3 Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. 5 And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules. 6 And hardworking farmers should be the first to enjoy the fruit of their labor. 7 Think about what I am saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things.
 8 Always remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of King David, was raised from the dead. This is the Good News I preach. 9 And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained. 10 So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.

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