Monday, October 17, 2011

Opposites day is over...

You can live opposite of what you profess, but you cannot live opposite of what you believe.- Dallas Willard

When I was growing up, my Dad would say "Man is the only creature capable of lying to himself." When you think about it, that's a pretty powerful thing.

When I gained 100 pounds, I would look at myself in the mirror and not be able to tell that I was overweight. I would go outside, run around with my sons and tell myself that I was still in shape. But, in all honesty, I had this unhealthy excessive amount of fat that was preventing me from being as healthy as I needed to be.

At nearly 300 pounds, I professed I was healthy and living an unhealthy lifestyle. The dangerous part was that I believed I was healthy. Because what I believed was wrong, the impact on my life had the potential for dire consequences.

At 300 pounds, your blood pressure increases. They call it hypertension - the "silent killer." High blood pressure begins to effect your body in ways that you don't recognize because everything seems well on the outside.

Fortunately, I went in for a physical and the doctor said " are fat, you need to get up off your lazy behind and exercise." I think that honesty from an external person really helped me see exactly where I was.

My own pride wouldn't let me see where I was... but he helped me by speaking the truth in love.

I'm sure we all lie to ourselves, but more than that - there is a world of people out there that lie to themselves on a regular basis. They look at their lives and compare themselves to others and believe they are morally good, so they must be right with God.

Do you ever feel God is asking you to be a mirror to them showing them the truth? I know I was thankful that someone did that for me... and I try to do the same things spiritually that the doctor did for me physically.

Psalms 119:70 Their heart is as fat as grease; but I delight in thy law.

What good is knowing the truth, if you don't share it? Sometimes I struggle to know when and how to share my faith, but I pray that that changes...

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