Thursday, April 5, 2012

Turning 40

There are certain milestones in life that people look forward to. Turning 18 is the first step to adulthood. You can vote, you're either about to graduate high school, or you have graduated. Turning 21 is the next big step because in your mind... you've made it, you are an official adult. 30 is big because you're no longer in your 20's,  there's an expectation that you should be able to take care of  yourself by now.

40, although people say it's the new 30 are only saying that because they're starting to be faced with their own mortality. For most, it's the first time in their life when they start noticing little aches and pains. They might not move as quickly as they did previously. Even for people who are in top shape start noticing little pockets of flab that aren't so easy to get rid of.

50, that's when the doctor really starts wanting to run tests... and you begin to wonder if the bad eating choices that you've made in your life are really going to catch up with you. You are fully aware of your own mortality and you prepare to fight for longevity.

Christianity, doesn't have these milestones. You can accept Christ in your youth, be "totally on fire for God" (as they use to say in the olden days) and then you can drift away. You can come realize that you've drifted away, then come back again. A lot of times, people drift away, and they don't even realize it. And once they are away, they are either ashamed to go back, or really aren't sure how to find God again.

Have you ever felt like the guy in the picture? In the picture, the guy in the picture is actually in Africa. The street that he's on literally has no name! It's a bad feeling to not know where you are or how to get back home.

Let's have a little spiritual check up! Let me ask you a few questions.

  • How's your heart? The Bible warns us not to harden our hearts against what God would have us do. How do you respond to the Word of God?
  • How is your blood pressure? The Bible tells us that we have been bought with a price, and that price is the blood of God. Are you living life like you've been cleansed from sin, or do you make excuses?
  • How is your temperature? Or rather... how is your lifestyle? Is it balanced? Is it moderate? Is it excessive? Have things replaced your time with God?
  • How are your reflexes? When God prompts you to move... do you move? If you have a chance to share what you believe, do you do it with cat like reflexes... or do you hesitate?
  • How is your vision? God says that the steps of the righteous are ordered by Him. Can you see the way or are you stumbling around in the dark?
I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that there is no little pill that can improve your spiritual health. The good news is that a little exercise will help... spiritual exercises. Turn off the t.v., radio, computer. Put the book down. Spend some time in prayer and in your Bible every day. Re-read the "stories" from when you were a child. Get excited about what God is saying and doing.

See you again next year for another annual checkup.


  1. I like your post. The rhythm is calm and the contents is comforting. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Great post... Also, it would have been wonderful to add features like your ears (hearing God clearly), mouth/dental care (speaking His Word with love, conviction), etc. [your hands, feet, backbone, etc.]
