Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Who? Me?

We live in a very interesting time. For the first time in history, it's not anybody's fault! It's not my fault that I am slightly overweight... it's Burger King, and McDonald's fault. It's not your fault that your kids are disobedient... it's the fault of television and the teachers in the school. It's not her fault that she's has an eating disorder... it's the fault of the media who tells us that only thin women are beautiful. It's not his fault that he acted out violently at school... it's the music that he was listening to.

See? It's no ones fault!

That was sarcasm... someone close to me told me that I was very sarcastic. Sorry... not my fault. It's this messed up world we live in.

You don't have to read the Bible very far to understand that the "it's not my fault" excuse doesn't go very far with God. In the 3rd chapter of Genesis, Adam is faced with a moral dilemma. He disobeyed the will of God by eating a fruit that God told him not to eat. When asked what happened, Adam yelled out "It's the woman YOU put here with me. SHE gave me the fruit and I ate it." (Genesis 3:12)

God asked Eve and she said "it's not my fault! - the SNAKE tricked me, and I ate the fruit!" (Genesis 3:13)

Adam and Eve chose to disobey, and in 30 seconds blamed God, the other person, and a snake. Very quickly, God explained that this... was unacceptable, and held each one of them personally responsible.

A friend of mine made a profound statement yesterday. She said in her prayer time, God impressed the following thought in her mind - "If more people were honest about their sin, I would have more followers."

What I believe God is saying is, if we realize that we have a sin problem and that we are powerless to overcome the sin in our life, we would realize that we need a savior.

So... that's my challenge for the day. I am going to stop making excuses. I understand that I need a savior, and that in every area of my life, if I am going to overcome wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony, I can only do that with the help of a Holy God who cares for me and sent His only son so we could overcome... but only through His son, Jesus the Messiah. (John 16:33)

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